ASH Hill Photography


This Blog is the story of our lives....

About Me

My photo
Montgomery, Texas, United States
Jon and I, MaryAnn, met in Sociology class in the AB 1 building at Sam Houston State University in Jan. 2000. We will never forget that class for many reasons, but that's where it all began. On July 27, 2002 we were married and we were blessed a few years later on Dec. 15, 2005 with our first born, Addison Stayton Hill and then were blessed with our son, Aiden Steib Hill on November 25, .We are both teachers although I'm temporarily retired to stay home and raise Addison and Aiden. We have the perfect little family of 4 and are blessed by God beyond belief!!!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Addison first week of school

What a rollercoaster of emotions the first week has been.  Mostly happiness and excitement, but it's been difficult as a mother to turn over my baby to basically strangers from 8:30-3:30 every day.  The good news is she has come home every day excited to go back and this morning she actually cried because she was upset we weren't leaving to go to Kindergarten (today is Sat.)!  She's met lots of news friends and had lots of fun playing on the playground (we know this because if you ask her anything about her day, she speaks of recess 92% of the time)!  LOL  Here's a few pictures we caught of her on the first day...and a few morning pictures of a couple of days to follow!  

I'm so happy to have this picture!!! :)  It makes my heart smile!!!

 And then this one is the real Addison....  LOL!  She plays well for Mommy...but likes to do her own thing... which I'll go with! LOL

 All of the above pictures are from Monday August 22, 2011.  Addison's first day of Kindergarten!

These  are from day two of Addison's Kindergarten.  Aiden and I went to walmart directly after for groceries so we got dressed too....

Day 3- Wednesday.  We came straight home so Aiden stayed in his PJs!!!! :)

1 comment:

The Nichols Family News said...

Great Pictures! I am so happy that Addison seems to love Kindergarten. I know she will do GREAT! And those outfits are adorable of coarse!