ASH Hill Photography


This Blog is the story of our lives....

About Me

My photo
Montgomery, Texas, United States
Jon and I, MaryAnn, met in Sociology class in the AB 1 building at Sam Houston State University in Jan. 2000. We will never forget that class for many reasons, but that's where it all began. On July 27, 2002 we were married and we were blessed a few years later on Dec. 15, 2005 with our first born, Addison Stayton Hill and then were blessed with our son, Aiden Steib Hill on November 25, .We are both teachers although I'm temporarily retired to stay home and raise Addison and Aiden. We have the perfect little family of 4 and are blessed by God beyond belief!!!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Summer evenings outside.

When the sun gets at a bearable height in the sky ...and the picture taking conditions improve....the kids and I have been going outside each evening. Lets face it...summers are for playing, getting dirty, and being lazy...although we haven't had much of the latter. Jon's been gone all week this week at an Admin. conference in Austin so it's just been the kids and I.  Lets just say I DO NOT want to be a single parent...EVER!  I am thankful to my husband because even though he works hard for us...he still adds a lot to the family.  We all miss him so much we don't know what to do!  

Anyway...  here's a few shots of them playing outside.  We're always doing something different.  These kids are so fun.

Addison the bubble blower.

The kiddos cruisin in the convertible.  They look like they are having a ball to me!

Addison asking Aiden if he's having fun on their "trip" a very big sisterly way!

Who know...but I thought she sure looked cute...

Aiden running to happily.  Oh I love him. I love him. I love him.

The killer lashes...

 I love this one... and my baby sticks his tougue out when he concentrates like me.  God love him!

1 comment:

The Nichols Family News said...

So sweet! One day little brother will be taking care of you Addison, I just know it.