ASH Hill Photography


This Blog is the story of our lives....

About Me

My photo
Montgomery, Texas, United States
Jon and I, MaryAnn, met in Sociology class in the AB 1 building at Sam Houston State University in Jan. 2000. We will never forget that class for many reasons, but that's where it all began. On July 27, 2002 we were married and we were blessed a few years later on Dec. 15, 2005 with our first born, Addison Stayton Hill and then were blessed with our son, Aiden Steib Hill on November 25, .We are both teachers although I'm temporarily retired to stay home and raise Addison and Aiden. We have the perfect little family of 4 and are blessed by God beyond belief!!!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Addison's PreSchool Year

well...not much is changing from last year, except that Addison is a year old, a lot more mature...and definitely wanting to please.  The teachers have given us good feed back every day and Addison has ended her day on "Green" for 3 days now.  She is such a good little girl with lots of spunk and a smart, hard worker!  Thank you God!  She is attending the same school as last year and goes there Tues. and Thur. and is schooled at home on Wed. and Friday by me.  We've been working (it's fun to her so it's not much like work) on sight words and completing workbook pages working on writing and reading.  My goal is for her to be able to read, somewhat, and be able to count to 100.  I'll let you know about our progress as the months go by.

Here's what she looked like on the first day of her Preschool Year. 
 Ms. Stephanie's class. 
 MDO Montgomery.  

1 comment:

The Nichols Family News said...

What a big girl!!! I love how you took a front and back picture, great idea. I believe I will have to follow :)