ASH Hill Photography


This Blog is the story of our lives....

About Me

My photo
Montgomery, Texas, United States
Jon and I, MaryAnn, met in Sociology class in the AB 1 building at Sam Houston State University in Jan. 2000. We will never forget that class for many reasons, but that's where it all began. On July 27, 2002 we were married and we were blessed a few years later on Dec. 15, 2005 with our first born, Addison Stayton Hill and then were blessed with our son, Aiden Steib Hill on November 25, .We are both teachers although I'm temporarily retired to stay home and raise Addison and Aiden. We have the perfect little family of 4 and are blessed by God beyond belief!!!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Aiden's a happy boy!

A typical lunch with Aiden consists of happiness and laughter.  I haven't been updating my blog like I  used to.  I've skipped a lot of stuff for Aiden that I caught with Addison... I guess I'm guilty of the 2nd child thing, but mostly I just have been so consentrating on taking pictures for other people that I haven't been motivated to take pictures of my own.  I have a new lease on why I started this in the first place and I've been doing better.  I will post new pictures of my own babies soon.  Maybe even a shoot coming up for just my babies.  

I do want to share that I thank God for this precious little face.  He is a JOY he makes my heart burst with happiness!  How could you not love this face!!! :)

1 comment:

The Nichols Family News said...

He looks so grown up in this post. Once again, quite a handsome little dude you have there.